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crowded house中文是什么意思

用"crowded house"造句"crowded house"怎么读"crowded house" in a sentence


  • 挤屋合唱团
  • 拥挤的房子


  • This crude, raw city, with its crowding houses all of wood and tin, its blotting fogs, its uproarious trade winds, disturbed and saddened her .
  • Crowded house play their final concert in front of an estimated crowd of 250 , 000 in front of the sydney opera house
    1996年, “拥挤的房子” (纽西兰著名乐队)在悉尼歌剧院前为估计25万的观众表演了他们的最后一场音乐会。
用"crowded house"造句  
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